5 Activities That Can Help with Anxiety
Anxiety as per dictionary is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
Anxiety is a real illness like any other physical illness. It’s not just negative thinking or excessive thinking. It can happen to anyone, irrespective of age and reason. As per World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 13 persons globally suffers from anxiety.
Taking up a hobby is an excellent way to ease anxiety and stress. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with it. Though one may not feel compelled to do anything and just simply sit lost. Still it can be useful to know about some hobbies which have helped people and a way to generate ideas for yourself or your loved ones. Here is a list of 5 activities you can do to tame it without spending a fortune and scheduled commitments:
1 Coloring books
Coloring is not just an activity to keep kids entertained, it has calming effect on both kids and adults equally. Many reports have shown that adult coloring books are gaining popularity because of its numerous benefits. Coloring is just like meditation; it allows us to switch off our brain from other thoughts and let us be present in the moment. It helps us achieve mindfulness and improves fine motor skills.
To get started you just need a packet of colors and coloring book or page. You can use sketch colors, pencil colors or crayons. A simple search on google for adult coloring pages can get you a great number of options. Print them and get started.
2 Gardening
Gardening is a rewarding hobby which is good for both mental and physical health. If you don’t have enough space, you can just start with a plant. Nature has its healing powers. A small plant on a desk itself can help in increasing productivity. Growing plants give a sense of purpose and pride. Many studies have proved that gardening helps in lowering the cortisol levels, a hormone related to stress. Gardening is therapeutic.
If you want to start, you can read my article on 5 best plants to grow for beginners here.
3 Embroidery
Different types of embroidery or needle art has been around for a very long time and can be found across the world. We thought our mothers and grandmothers did this to utilize their time, but the truth lies in its embedded benefits. Poking needle precisely on specific points on fabric, improves brain function and keeps people sharper mentally. It creates a sense of flow and fulfillment. Embroidery can also release happy hormones.
So pick up the supplies and reach out to your mother or grandmother and they will be happy to pass along their knowledge with many stories of their time.
4 Doodling
Doodling is a simple form of drawing without any conscious efforts. It may also be a repeated pattern of design on a piece of paper. This free draw of designs keeps your brain cells active. If done in limits, it can improve comprehension and problem-solving skills. It’s a form of art therapy and helps in stress management.
Though doodling doesn’t need special skills, but one can learn some patterns from internet.
5 Photography
Today every person has a camera in his hand, and this could be a tool to deal with anxiety. Photography allows you to capture the moments. You learn to see beauty around you. Learning new skill helps brain to remain healthy. Photography helps you to de-stress, de-clutter and calm your mind. Also, it inspires exploration and connects you to your surroundings.
There are many free courses and YouTube videos available which can be used to learn the basic tips and tricks of mobile as well as digital camera photography.
The worst part of anxiety or stress is that the person who is suffering, might not be aware of it. So, you can help yourself or others with these activities. These activities will give a sense of contentment and achievement in seeing the final product which has taken time, effort and concentration. Don’t wait for others validation, how they like it or not. Because I am sure there are certain people out there who may not even like Mona Lisa. To each their own.
Lastly, If you are suffering from anxiety or simply not feeling the best, reach out to people for support. Don’t hesitate. Talking your heart out to a family member, friend or even to a health professional can make all the difference.
Love & Light